Refrigerator Crisper Drawer Humidity Control WP67005864

Part #WP67005864

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$6.60 | 
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Previous part numbers
Part #67001287
Part #12530806
Part #12530805
Part #67005865
Part #12530805SP

Part Information

This crisper drawer humidity control (part number WP67005864) is for refrigerators.

Crisper drawer humidity control WP67005864 lets you control how much air enters the crisper drawer to manage the humidity level.

Wear work gloves to protect your hands when installing this part.


Why did I wait so long to replace these?
March 09, 2021

Simple to replace, once I reviewed the assembly diagram online. Works like a charm, looks original. The crisper drawers are working again =)

RobinnAnn, California

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Ease of Installation
Duration of Installation
30 minutes - 1 hour

Yes, I would recommend this to a friend